Saturday, March 3, 2012

I'm vegan for the animals sake and don't know why people decide to go raw. I'm guessing it's for religious reasons, but IDK.|||There are so many benefits to eating raw foods. When you do not cook foods past a certain temperature ( 115 f.) you do not kill the living enzymes. That is why the raw food lifestyle is also called the " Living Food" life style. Here is a bunch of articles on how being raw helps with your beauty, health, energy, aging, weight loss, and over all happiness! If you are already a vegan, you should try raw for a week, just to see, you will be addicted to your new found energy! Have a Rawesome day!鈥?/a>|||Usually, it's for health reason. There are some enzymes and nutrients that are destroyed by heat. Raw folks want to get those intact, so they don't cook their food. There are some environmental benefits, namely the fact that most raw vegans prefer organic food (and a good handful try to eat local as well) for the boost in nutrients.|||why does everything have to be for religioius reasons? why do you come up with this assumption?

i'm raw because it makes me feel and look terrific!....|||I'm a raw vegan because I believe that it was our natural diet ( there weren't stoves, ovens or microwaves in the Garden of Eden). I love the way it makes me feel. Not just physically but emotionally, it clears my mind, it opens my consciousness. Exercise seems easier, and more fluent, I feel more centered. If you haven't gone raw, you won't know what I mean, but it just feels right.

:)|||Health. I attempted to go raw vegan(more specifically, 80/10/10 raw vegan) and I still am. It's been tough, because I have 0 will power and don't know how to deal with stress. o.0

I really want to go 80/10/10, and this time have it be permanent. I could eat all the delicious fruit I wanted and still drop weight very quickly(lost a lot of water weight at first because i cut out salt and fruit and vegetables are so water rich), and like people have said, I felt so much better.|||the feeling is wonderful. I have been vegetarian all my life ( yes all my life) ,and still over weight, I became a raw vegan 3 weeks ago and it incredible feeling, a lot of my skin problems are gone. I never felt so energetic before. I am loosing weight and eat a lot of food. loving it|||I've heard people say that it feels more natural to them. Personally, though I like some things raw, I really enjoy cooking and baking, and in general, hot food...|||why do people decide to go vegan?
because they don't know any better


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