Friday, March 9, 2012

My beautiful young fiancee has Leukemia. I take care of her all day. She's very frail and doesn't have much appetite right now. So I started making her a lot of fresh smoothies and vegetable juices. Should I put her on a completely Vegan or Raw Food diet to help treat her? Will it help? I need to do anything possible to nourish her body back to health so I'm considering anything to help treat her.|||I'd go with the cultural insight here, you don't want to deprive her of types of food, she needs all the nutrients she can get so her body can recover and maintain itself if she is vegetarian respect her wishes it might be manageable, but going all out vegan is extreme like a fundamentalist of vegetarianism. i don't see it helping unless you have magic vegan food, which there is none of sorry.|||I answered your question in AltMed, but you've asked more specific questions here so I'll answer again.

I was diagnosed with cancer almost seven years ago; I had, at the time, been a vegan for over 8 years (and a vegetarian for most of my life - an 'almost-vegan' for decades). Not only that, I was a juicing enthusiast - I had (have) three juicers, each more sophisticated than the last, and I started most days with green juice. My diet always included plenty of raw food.

None of this prevented a diagnosis sf aggressive cancer, none of it cured me, and I'm certainly not relying on it to prevent recurrence (I am still vegan).

I trust and hope that your fiancee is receiving treatment for her cancer. If she's having chemo, then whatever she feels she can eat and feels will make her feel better is the way to go.

Don't attempt to 'put her on' any kind of diet at all. Feeling under pressure to eat and drink things she doesn't want will make her feel worse.

Food does not cure or treat cancer. Encourage your fiancee to eat as healthy a diet as possible by preparing and offering tempting healthy meals, but she must make the choices about what she wants and will eat.

And as I said before, a healthy diet for a cancer patient is the same as a healthy diet for anyone else - there are no special 'cancer foods'.

My best wishes to you both|||Foods do not cause or cure cancer. A vegitarian diet will have no impact whatsoever on cancer cells.

Cancer patients need a well balanced diet that includes sufficient protein and calories. Vegetarian diets are notorious for causing problems through inadequate nutrition. Your finacee should consult with her doctor before making any significant changes to her diet. You don't want to put her life at risk.


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