Friday, March 9, 2012

it is known that "all raw-food" diets change eye color gradually over a few months.
but i dont think i can eat all raw food.
especially since im only a teen still living at home, its not exactly easy to make your parents change what they buy and cook [or not cook for that matter!]. and i just dont think i would be able to do it... i love cooked food! like chicken and pasta.. i could never become a vegetarian [which is basically what this diet is..] so how many raw things would i have to eat along with my meals [normal cooked ones like usual] in order for this eye color change to take affect?

i only want those who know about this to answer. i dont want to bother reading those who say "its impossible to change your eyecolor" because it isnt..

please can someone give me the answer i am looking for?
i would love to have more information on this!!
it is very interesting.
thank you all!!!!! :]||| said it takes a few months for the effects. But that you can get clarity in your vision within weeks. Hope this answers it for you. I enjoyed your question. I learned something new by researching this for you!|||Eats as much raw meat as you desire...all youre doing is making yourself sick...your eye color cannot be changed. No food you eat, no pill you take, no disease you catch can change it. Its part of your genetic structure. Only way to alter that is to completely destroy the structure and rebuild it, something which is impossible to do...|||I just read that in most cases the color of your eyes become "clearer", not a different color. I wouldn't go on an all raw food diet if you like a lot of cooked food.
why would you want to change your eye color anyways....stick to colored contacts|||Eating an all raw food diet will NOT change your eye color. Eye color is determined by your genetic makeup and pre determined upon conception. You can eat all the raw food you want and will never see your eye color change. Sorry to dissapoint you.|||Eye colour is determined by your genetic make up and not by what you eat. You could eat raw food for ever but it will not affect your eye colour at all. You're wasting your time with this one. Eat what you enjoy,.|||raw food vegan rite ere love, my eyes avent changed colour and even if it was possible ,i'm pretty sure you'd need to stick to raw foods without any cooked meals.....................ya|||TEN MINUTE


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