Tuesday, March 6, 2012

i know the basics, like raw foods... lunch meats... eggs not cooked fully... and fish...

but is there anything else that we need to avoid...
like I was told that I can't eat chinese food... is this true???
|||you should avoid fish only if it is red meat, white meat tuna and talapia and mai-mai are good sources of protein. the problem with red meat fish is that the mercury levels in the fish is what turns it red. chinese food is fine just no raw fish. but eat what you want your baby to grow up to eat. i ate all kinds of fruits and vegetables while i was pregnant and even as babies they preferred the veggies to the deserts. they are noe 3 and 6 and still eat their vegetables before they eat the meat, and they prefer cinn.applesauce to a piece of cake.|||im not so sure about the lunch meats? my dr didn't say anything about that... plus i think lunch meat like turkey is fully cooked and then shaved off for packing... i think that should be okay... i was just told to stay away from as you said raw meats and limited sodas and tea...|||You can eat chinese food,but do it very rarely being that the food is known to be very greasy. Avoid eating foods that contain too much salt, sugar, & pork. Drink lots of water and eat fruits and veggies.|||You can eat raw veggies, and fish(in moderation) if its cooked. As long as you go to a reputable Chinese restaurant and don't eat sushi then you are fine. |||I would avoid certain fish with contain a lot of mercury and also, nuts and peanut butter - i believe it can cause the baby to develop allergies.


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