Monday, February 6, 2012

Cats and dogs both have shorter .... digestive systems so the food passes more quickly through them. That doesn't give most bacteria time to grow.

I may not have the details EXACTLY right, but that's pretty much it.

"Their digestive systems are designed to handle raw food. Their stomach environment is highly acidic, helping to break down and digest meat. Also, their digestive tracts are shorter than ours, and food spends a lot less time being broken down, digested and absorbed or eliminated. "

"However, dogs and cats don't get salmonella poisoning because their digestive system is so acidic (or at least it should be) that it kills everything. This is why a dog can bury a bone and dig it up two weeks later and eat the rotting meat. "|||Your dogs shouldn't be eating raw foods. Its not healthy.|||actually there are many people that eat all raw have to prepare raw meat for your that they don't get sick...|||Different species, different digestive systems and nutritional needs.|||well, they are some foods we can eat raw, but of course that`s unadvised for continued health...
Well, just think of all other animals who don`t cook.
We are very fragile creatures, aren`t we?|||Dog should not be on raw diets, it hurts their liver and kidneys and does more harm the good. i only recomend holistic brands such as eagle pack or wellness.|||I read in an article from a vet that raw foods is not good to feed to animals.|||the thing you have to remember about dogs (and cats) is that they came from the wild!! they lived on raw diet way before we domesticated them... their bodies and digestive system are made to digest raw diet materials.... its not going to harm them as long as you are feeding them what they can have... you dont see coyotes, wolves and moutain lions eating science diet, eagle pake, nutro and iams do you??


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