Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I have had psoriasis for about 8 months now. Is there a natural cure for it that will make it go away for good? I have been drinking 6 cups of water a day and have been eating a lot of raw foods. I also put raw aloe vera on it every night and wash my hair with natural neem plant shampoo every other day. Is it true that psoriasis is caused by a weak immune system, and your skin cells are producing too rapidly?|||sorry there nothing that can help except going to a dermatologist is slows the psoriasis to spread with speacials creams they suscribe i have had it for 8 years now|||I'm sorry there is no cure for Psoriasis. It's an autoimmune disease. You can prevent flare-ups though by not stressing yourself (Eat well, sleep adequately, exercise etc... Certain medications can also prevent flare-ups like methotrexate, tar and other medications. Sun exposure also prevents flare-ups but dont forget to put on some sun screen before going out in the sun.|||Hello there.
Common understanding is that there is no cure. But there are remedies that control psoriasis and keep it in check for long periods of time. I haven't had mine (plaque psor. on my scalp, elbows and knees) come back for more than a year after having treated it with Cream and Spray from Champori.com The best part is that Champori is non-steroidal, herbal remedy. Try it. (they offer money back guarantee, so if it doesn't work - it's free). Also, vitamin D and omega-3 supplement are supposed to be beneficial for psoriasis.
Bernadette|||The cause of psoriasis is malfunction of the immune system, it is in over reactive state turning against your body.
For that reason I use anti-psoriasis extract from serenaskin.com to keep immune system balanced.
It work very well for me. My skin has been clear for more than 9 mo now.|||Hi,

I have been helping a friend get rid of his psoriasis鈥?on his skin, it covers about 2 square feet of his arms and hands.

He has been spraying on 2.5 PH water for about a month now, and it is working. He is also drinking 9.5 PH water. His wife has MS, and is also drinking the 9.5 PH alkaline water, and is doing much better.

You can get free alkaline water - place a wanted add on http://craigslist.com

Here is a demo video to watch for the eczema cure as seen in Japan. Sorry but the hospitals in the United States and Europe are not this advanced at this time.


Alergies to food include shellfish, garlic, and others. Stop eating things like cheese, then milk products, then anything brewed (beer, yogurt, breads made with yeast). When it goes away, then you have some idea of what you should stop eating.

Or use the process developed in Japan, and eat what you want to.

Good Luck !

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