Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I am thinking about trying the raw food diet for 30 days like Steve Pavlina did. Is it true that it makes you need to have near diarrhea 10 times a day?

Currently I use the toilet for number 2s in the morning and have a shower after. I really do not want to have to use the toilet 10 times a day, it's totally impractical for life. You'd need to be looking for a toilet whenever you went out.|||You do poop more- but that is not the same thing as having diarrhea. Raw food does not cause loose stools.

If you want to continue defecating once daily, a raw food diet is not for you.|||Not everyone has the same response. I would guess that the less raw foods and high fiber foods one is accustomed to eating prior to starting a raw food diet, the more changes will be experienced.

When I increase my raw food consumption I see little change in that respect, because I've always eaten a lot of fruit and veggies daily. Even when cooked veggies are still nearly raw when I prepare my meals.

If you have rarely eaten whole foods lately, including raw fruit and veggies, then you might want to increase your consumption gradually, not go from one extreme (little to none) to the other extreme (all raw foods). Good idea, to increase your consumption of whole foods.|||A few years ago, I went to a raw food restaurant with some co-workers.
The next day, both of them said that they had an uptick in their bowel movements. I had no change.

If you eat pretty healthy and eat lots of veggies, you won't notice a difference. If you don't, then your body isn't really ready to handle the sudden volume, and you defecate more. For reference, 1 time a day, so it's not like I'm just used to going more.

You may want to GRADUALLY increase your raw foods intake. It'll do a lot to prevent bloating and gas.|||I tried this once and I was pooping what looked like black tar....it was basically like eating a natural laxative. People that do this to lose weight are prone to have eating disorders. If you want to eat raw for a few days just to clean out your system that's one thing, but doing it for 30 days is stupid. You will be flushing out most of the essential vitamins and nutrients you are eating, so what's the point of eating? To me it's like bulimia of the butt.|||Of course not. That is just not true. Could it posssibly cause that? Yes, but so can any other way of eating. A proper raw food diet would not cause that. Check out my review blog at rawfoodland.com to learn more about getting into rawfoodism. I try to help people get into eating raw food the right way.|||Everyone responds differently so maybe just give it a try before you commit.

Some people eat a mixture of raw and cooked food, find out where your tolerance lies and be comfortable. Get some advice on portion control.
www.cookingtv.biz|||I did it for two months, and my mom is currently doing it and neither of us have had a problem. You must not have been eating enough of this stuff before which is why your body is rejecting it.|||I am on a raw food diet and in the beginning you'll experience detox which might include diarrhea. But if you eating a balanced raw diet including probiotics you should not experience stomach problems.|||Your poop isn't as solid but I would say you have less of it, so use Wt Naps to clean up real good after you poop|||I don't believe it does


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