Monday, February 6, 2012

I want to get the better part of my calories from raw food -- I've been reading quite a bit about it lately. Will eating primarily fruits and raw veggies give me bad breath (a lot of raw foodists seem to report bad breath).|||Ok, this is a great idea. :)
I eat about 70 percent raw and on good days 100% then some days I just eat whatever healthy vegan foods I feel like.
Raw is great! I always thought it was just gonna be big fruit salads and veggies and nuts etc. But it is sooo much more!! I made my first RAW vegan "cheesecake" there and it is de-lish!! Here is a site about going raw,
the website aimed primarily at women and girls(just a promotional thing so that girls can be encouraged to go raw, I guess) but, there are loads of great recipes that anyone can use.

Here is the link:鈥?/a>

And here is a link to a blog by a raw foodist when he started 30 days raw before he was fully raw. He explains all his experience: But he wasn't really making any amazing recipes just lots of smoothies and fruit and veg.鈥?/a>|||no.. i'm a eater of raw and steamed fruits and veggies...

matter of fact i can go for many days without bathing.. but i'm not bragging, it's my job, i spend more time working than living.

anyways.. fruits and veggies have many vitamins, minerals and soluable proteins. (i'm proof i'm a vegetariain who get's too much protein.. i'm on lipitor for god's sakes! :D)

bad breath? nah, i don't suffer that.. then again i floss after i eat.. but only brush once a day... during my period of sleep.. when the mouth is the most active with bacterial elements.

odors i find, in many cases are prone to the genetics.

bad breath also i find comes from big time meat eaters, smokers and drinkers.

but that's through my experiences.|||bad breath? if you eat lots of garlic, yes. i know that from experience haha. eating parsley will help counteract that. but as far as other raw foods go? no it wont affect you that way. be open to try new things, i just tried kale for the first time and it was AMAZING. look up some raw recipes for it. really be creative with the fruits and vegetables you love by adding new ones to recipes. take a long time in the produce dept. at the store and see what you can come up with. :)|||Certainly the closest food is to its natural form is the most beneficial.
As a holistic approach you would include good oral hygiene because decaying vegetable matter in betwixt your teeth can breed odours.
Flossing and regular brushing with tongue scraping is the solution to this problem.|||My advice would be to do it gradually
my daughter went from meat etc: to vegetarian to fruitarian~eats most all raw foods|||must recommend sprouts like lentils, sunflower, alfalfa. they are fresh vegetables available year round|||It is likely that the people who are experiencing this are going through detox. It is not a common complaint among raw foodists.|||If I eat bad cucumbers or tomatoes,I can eat two or so.If good,I can eat a dozen or so at a time.So go to a place,where they sell to You tasty ones.For me best go small ones,of good quality,I can recognize such visually.If its more expencive:a quality veggie might give Your organism more profit than a bad one even if cheaper|||I've been eating a 100% raw food diet since 1999. Have never had bad breath nor do other raw fooders I know. I cured myslf of breast cancer, fibromyalgia and a long list of ailments. You will enjoy optimum health by eating raw foods. Eat as many raw foods as you can. The more the better. It doesn't have to be 100% or any percent. Just eat as much as possible. Nurse Kindheart


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